Observation: Chugach State Park

Location: Glen Alps, Chugach Front Range

Route & General Observations

Skied from Glen Alps PL up on Blueberry Hill and along lower NE aspect of Flattop mtn. Evaluated snowpack along the way and did pit on NE aspect of Blueberry Hill. Observed no signs of instability.

Red Flags
Red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger. Please record any sign of red flags below.
Observer Comments


Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Weather was ½ overcast with winds out of SE @ 5-10. Temp at 1430 = 28F.

Snow surface

Abundant evidence of recent transport of snow due to high winds in the area from 12/27-28 (pics). The Glen Alps weather Sta. reported SE wind gusts to 54mph on 12/28. The snow surface was a real mixed bag, ranging from bare tundra, mixed with thin concrete windboard on ridge tops to thick snow pillows on lower lee slopes. In places my 240cm probe did not hit bottom.


Did pit on NE aspect of Blueberry Hill at 2452ft. Pit located in lee of shrub Hemlocks with SD of 113cm. (attached). Got CT22Q2@83cm from ground on top of M/F crust. ECTX. Facets observed earlier this fall are transitioning to coarse rounded forms.

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