Recent Avalanches? | No |
Collapsing (Whumphing)? | Yes |
Cracking (Shooting cracks)? | No |
Toured 1.1 miles up the Flattop trail to Blueberry Knoll and SE along ridgetop to point overlooking Wind Tunnel gully.
Recent Avalanches? | No |
Collapsing (Whumphing)? | Yes |
Cracking (Shooting cracks)? | No |
Experienced whumphing on several occasions while skiing across wind slab just below ridgetop on south aspect of Blueberry Knoll. Observed evidence of old avalanche debris on the SE. side of Wind Tunnel Gully on the NE aspect of the ridge leading up to Flattop. Flat light made determining size difficult, but debris covered an approx. 300x800ft area with some blocks the proverbial size of a VW bug (pic attached). Crown was covered by more recent wind loading. The debris stopped just short of the Flattop trail through the gully. Not sure when this avalanche ran but could have been during this last storm event??
Overcast leaden skies during tour. Calm at Glen Alps PL. On ridgetop winds from SW@4-5. At 1345 was 21F.
In valley bottom measured 14cm new loose snow from storm on 12/20 on mixed 71cm base. New snow made up of decomposing particles and small surface hoar xls. Above 2400ft mostly wind-affected snow with mix of sastrugi and wind board.
Did pit (profile and pit wall pic attached) at 2578ft on south aspect of Blueberry Knoll approx. 100ft below ridgetop. HS=84cm. Halloween Crust slowly disintegrating to facets. Got CT6@53cm and ECTP11@53cm from base. Seems to be wind transported snow sliding on base of old rounds topped by a thin M/F rime layer.