Observation: Chugach State Park

Location: Glen Alps - Blueberry Knoll

Route & General Observations

Left Glen Alps PL at 1130 and toured along the base of the NE aspect of Blueberry Knoll. Climbed up to the ridgetop just north of the Wind Tunnel. No snow for skiing on ridgetop, so had to walk to follow the ridgetop back north. Hit skiable snow off the north end on protected slopes and at that point was able to ski back to the Glen Alps PL. Observed no sign of recent avalanches in my viewshed. Observed williwaws of blowing snow coming off ridgetops.

Red Flags
Red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger. Please record any sign of red flags below.
Observer Comments

ski cutting of cornices produced 1ft thick sloft slab release (pic)

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Was windy during whole tour, starting right from the PL. Snow transport by wind taking place even on lower elevation slopes. Snow williwaws coming off ridgetops (pic). On ridgetop NE winds gusting to 20mph. At 1400 temp was 28deg.

Snow surface

Encountered lots of special variability during tour. Much of that nice powder we had in the front range last week has gone away or turned into one finger or pencil wind slab. Observed active snowtransport by wind even at lower elevations. Ridgetops blown clean in places; a more typical midwinter front range snow environment (pic).


Did quick pit at 2235ft on NE aspect of Blueberry at treeline and just NW of the Wind Tunnel saddle. HS = 175cm. Got STC@145cm and STM@115cm. Got CT19@137cmQ2. ECTP20@140cmQ2. Failures seem to be occurring where wind-transported snow overlies old wind crust.

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