Wind loading on East and South aspects in areas south of the Summit Area. These winds hit Summit Lake at 8pm.
Clear with temperatures in low 30’s. Not much has changed over the last week at Summit with only one newer glide release avalanche (2-3 days old) on East aspect Summit Peak. Sun is getting stronger and starting to melt out lower elevations and affecting south aspects. Winds picked up last night after observation made out of the West 15mph increasing to 35 mph.
Similar winds were observed in the Lost Lake area south to Seward with active wind loading observed at upper and mid elevations with a fair amount of snow being transported into S and E facing loading zones.
Wind loading on East and South aspects in areas south of the Summit Area. These winds hit Summit Lake at 8pm.
Summit 24-31F Clear
Fresno Ridge: 25-33F Winds increased after 8Pm 15-29mph peak gust 35 mph winds out of the west.