Observation: Summit

Location: Frenchy

Route & General Observations

20F at the parking lot at 930 am. Climbed up 1000′ from the highway and turned around because a sun crust had formed on the aspect we wanted to ski. Beautiful day in summit!

Weather & Snow Characteristics
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Calm wind and breaks of sunshine. The high clouds were moving around and blocking the sun from time to time. Some low clouds were stuck in valleys around summit.

Snow surface

2-3" of light fluff on top of a breakable crust. Loose unconsolidated snow was present under the crust everywhere. As we got close to the steeper east facing terrain we were thinking about skiing, the light snow on top was replaced with a widespread breakable sun crust. Skiing was real fun down in the meadows!


No tests done. Checked total depth with our probes as we climbed. Depths started around 110cm-120cm up to 1000' and 160cm-170cm in protected areas at 1600'.

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