Observation: Turnagain

Location: Eddie's near treeline

Route & General Observations

Toured up Eddie’s to treeline. Breakable, soft crust off the skin track up to 800′ when trees become less thick.

Hand pits broke 10-12″ down presumably on bottom of latest storm snow—moderate force, Q3 shear quality at lower elevation (900-1000′); low force, Q3 at ~1400′.

Snowpit at 1700′ NW aspect showed ECTN5 (PC fracture character) only ~6″ deep. Others in group verified ECTN in same location and at 2000′ in a slightly wind-loaded location near treeline. Moderate winds near treeline at 1230 with signs of previous wind loading appearing above 2000′ (wind crust, slightly hollow sounding in places, but no cracking).

Chose to descend mostly low-angle terrain from there. Good turns from 2000′ to 1400′.