Observation: Turnagain

Location: Eddies

Route & General Observations

Uptrack to above treeline at Eddies. Super thin and melt freezy approach, River still open. Old avy debris on SW face around treeline (D2). Deep NSF made for excellent skiing up high.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
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Calm air, partly cloudy skies and a good air temp made for a really enjoyable day. Brisk air in the morning.

Snow surface

Super stout melt freeze crust all the way up to above treeline. Widespread surface hoar increasing in size with elevation (2-6mm) with near surface facets (<0.5-1mm), the layer getting thicker with elevation.


Thick melt freeze crust where the trees open up, getting thinner with elevation. Was still prominent around 2500' but didn't get to explore higher and note where it disappears. ski pole probing revealed less dense snow beneath (If able to push through). The near surface facet layer was getting deeper with elevation (snowfall after freezing?) and was about 10cm deep around 2500' (enough for sluffing). This paired with the semi large surface hoar may make a scary weak layer if buried intact.

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