Trigger | Unknown | Remote Trigger | Unknown |
Avalanche Type | Unknown | Aspect | Unknown |
Elevation | unknown | Slope Angle | unknown |
Crown Depth | unknown | Width | unknown |
Vertical Run | unknown |
Similar tour as yesterday.
Seemed a bit warmer than the day before. No clouds, mostly calm air.
Warmer temps warming the snow surface on southerly aspects. Some areas of thin suncrust, but it had mostly broken down by our descent time of 3:30. Our sluffs behaved much more like wet loose than the day prior, much more rounded + clumpy debris. Paired with roller balls ahead of debris.
We bailed on our intended continuation of our tour due to the snow surface warming.
Dry loose Ax on protected + shaded terrian. ~200ft run.
Small slab released on Seattle Ridge near the CB lot. A point release near the Motorized up track.
Trigger | Unknown | Remote Trigger | Unknown |
Avalanche Type | Unknown | Aspect | Unknown |
Elevation | unknown | Slope Angle | unknown |
Crown Depth | unknown | Width | unknown |
Vertical Run | unknown |
See photos