Observation: Girdwood

Location: Crow Creek

Route & General Observations

Quick tour up to 2100′ in Crow Creek to look at the potential reactivity at the new snow old snow interface.


Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Overcast, above freezing temps, little to no wind. No new precipitation while we were out.

Snow surface

6-10 inches of consolidated warm snow on top of the easter crust. Within the first 4" of the snowpack was a 1cm thick melt freeze crust.


The snowpack was very reactive in our stability test (ECTP4) at the interface between the last drought period and the new snow (Easter crust). About 1.5' below the easter crust we found the Pi crust (3.14) on top of multiple melt freeze and faceted layers. The height of snow at this 2100' south facing snowpit was 170 cm.

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