Observation: Turnagain

Location: Center Ridge

Route & General Observations

Alder wallowing mission up Center Ridge to do some much needed weather station maintenance. There was decent visibility for a few hours late this morning/early afternoon, so I was able to get a look around. I saw a small natural avalanche that looks like it occurred sometime during the past day or two on Seattle Ridge immediately across from the Center Ridge lot. No other signs of activity on Seattle Ridge, south side of Tincan, or north side of Sunburst. I also noticed that the glide cracks on the south side of Tincan have barely started to get covered in snow.


Weather & Snow Characteristics
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Mostly cloudy skies with periods of sun in the morning. Clouds moved in during the day. Calm winds, no precip.

Snow surface

Ski pen was about 12", boot pen was about a whole leg. There is a lot of soft snow out there, and a lot of hollow bushes under it.


Thin, until right on top of the ridge. Alder navigation was tricky and it took a few tries to find a good way up. Might want to wait a bit before heading up here to ski...

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