Observation: Summit

Location: Birch Trees

Route & General Observations

Ascended to 2900′ on the E facing slope just above treeline. Snow quality decreased above 2000′ with more wind affected snow. At approx 2700′, 1 small release was noted on a small isolated test slope while skinning, approx 5cm deep. 1 pit dug @ 1900′ and another @ 2900′.

Red Flags
Red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger. Please record any sign of red flags below.
Observer Comments

Able to get one small release on an isolated test slope, approx 5 cm thick.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

OVC with calm winds in lower elevations, increasing to light winds about 2200'. Light snow at the end of the day.

Snow surface

Smooth below 2500', wind skin above 2500', T: 0 degrees C, cooling to -2.5 degrees C at 2900'.


Pit at 1900': HS: 130cm, 2 layers of concern, 12/1 rain crust and a layer of buried surface hoar. Pit results as follows: CT12SP@102cm, ECTN16@102 cm, both failing on the surface hoar, PST was performed on both layers of concern with results of PST 100/100 in the surface hoar, and 70/100 on the rain crust. Larger basal facets noted.

Pit @ 2900': HS: 115, layer of concern @ approx 80 cm seems to be a layer of buried surface hoar, Results: CT showed multiple planar failures above 80 cm including the layer that released on the test slope, ECTN16@75cm, PST90/100@75cm. Increased amount of faceting is noted in the bottom of the snowpack vs lower elevations.