Able to get one small release on an isolated test slope, approx 5 cm thick.
Ascended to 2900′ on the E facing slope just above treeline. Snow quality decreased above 2000′ with more wind affected snow. At approx 2700′, 1 small release was noted on a small isolated test slope while skinning, approx 5cm deep. 1 pit dug @ 1900′ and another @ 2900′.
Able to get one small release on an isolated test slope, approx 5 cm thick.
OVC with calm winds in lower elevations, increasing to light winds about 2200'. Light snow at the end of the day.
Smooth below 2500', wind skin above 2500', T: 0 degrees C, cooling to -2.5 degrees C at 2900'.
Pit at 1900': HS: 130cm, 2 layers of concern, 12/1 rain crust and a layer of buried surface hoar. Pit results as follows: CT12SP@102cm, ECTN16@102 cm, both failing on the surface hoar, PST was performed on both layers of concern with results of PST 100/100 in the surface hoar, and 70/100 on the rain crust. Larger basal facets noted.
Pit @ 2900': HS: 115, layer of concern @ approx 80 cm seems to be a layer of buried surface hoar, Results: CT showed multiple planar failures above 80 cm including the layer that released on the test slope, ECTN16@75cm, PST90/100@75cm. Increased amount of faceting is noted in the bottom of the snowpack vs lower elevations.