Wind crust right next to the ridge sounded hollow and we broke off a 2 inch think surfboard sized piece
We were the second group to go up to Sunburst col since the storm it looks like, and the first ones to get to the weather station (weather station looks great BTW). We dug a pit on south aspect about 75 feet below the ridge line a few bumps down the ridge line from the weather station. Rain crust not present. Transition from New Years storm to December storm visible but couldn’t really feel it. Performed an ECT and could not get it to fail. We shoulder dropped onto it and that got it to fail though. It had a clean fracture, I thiiiiink it was a few inches below that storm interface. Our location seemed fairly representative of the southerly Sunburst bowls, though we may have been close enough to the ridge to get some wind effects.
Also right on the ridge it’s pretty wind affected, we got a surfboard size 2 inch piece of wind crust to break loose under our skis, though that seeems pretty local to the ridge.
We saw no other signs of instability. We skied two laps on the south aspect a bit below the weather station and another lap on the backside of the Sunburst common summit(where you approach from the front?) with no red flags or incidents
Wind crust right next to the ridge sounded hollow and we broke off a 2 inch think surfboard sized piece
No wind, clear and sunny, felt like 20
Starting to get surface hoar