Observation: Chugach State Park

Location: Arctic Valley Rendezvous

Route & General Observations

Up Arctic Valley to the pass between Rendezvous and Gordon Lyon, up the Rendezvous north ridge to 3850ft.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Overcast becoming obscured.
Light to moderate winds from the S and E, depending on terrain.
No precip becoming light snowfall.
2600ft: 15F
3800ft: 10F

Snow surface

Light density new snow. Some areas wind affected but mostly not.


2600ft: 5-10cm F- light density new snow on top of melt freeze, see hand pit 1 photo
3450ft: 5-10cm F- light density new snow, then 5-10cm 4F hard existing snow on top of a melt freeze layer with basal facets underneath, see hand pit 2 photo
3850ft: 15cm F- light density new snow, 10cm 4F existing snow, 10cm 1F, 10cm of melt freeze layer, with 25cm of sugary basal facets underneath, see hand pit 3 photo

From 3400ft to 3800ft, high degree of spatial variability as HS ranges from bare to 120cm with avg being 80-90cm

3800ft: Ski pen ~10cm, boot pen ~50cm

No formal stability tests.

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