Avalanche: Chugach State Park

Location: Arctic Valley proper

Route & General Observations

Up through the resort to ridge. Skied two laps on different parts of the area. Dug hand pits along the way.

Avalanche Details
If this is an avalanche observation, click yes below and fill in the form as best as you can. If people were involved, please provide details.
Trigger NaturalRemote Trigger No
Avalanche Type GlideAspect Northwest
Elevation 3000ftSlope Angleunknown
Crown DepthunknownWidthunknown
Vertical Rununknown  
Avalanche Details

From top of ridge looking south, we could see two glide cracks: one of which had released, on northwest facing slopes between Arctic Valley and North Bowl; another was on the northwest shoulder of North Bowl (see photos). That slide exposed the bare ground and there was a long, dirty runout. Too far away to evaluate crown depth.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Calm to 10 mph winds on the ridge. Warm and intermittent low clouds/fog in the morning.

Snow surface

Thin, breakable rain crust over everything (see vegetation photo) and this ice started to melt off by late morning.


Dense! Tough skiing and dense snow all the way to the ground likely from the recent warmer temps and precipitation. Pretty uniform snowpack. Height of snow was 24” in most places with highly variable amounts along the ride to due wind effect. Will be interesting to see how this layer plays a role in future conditions as we get more snow.

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