Observation: Chugach State Park

Location: Arctic Valley

Route & General Observations

Skied up Arctic Valley Proper from ski area parking lot to S. Fork Eagle River Saddle.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Bluebird day up high with calm winds and 10F at 1400. Most of Anchorage Bowl covered in fog.

Snow surface

Loose snow at parking lot with overlying surface hoar most of the way up the valley. This transitioned to wind board/sastrugi just below and in the S. fork saddle.


At 3320 ft in valley bottom found snowpack ranging from 40-65cm. Did quick pit at site with 48cm snowpack. Slope angle = 15, aspect 240. Top down; (48-47cm) F 3mm SH, (47-20) F decomposing particles; (20-12) P rounds; (12-0) 4F rounds transitioning to facets.
Snow temps: 0cm -1c, 20cm -3c, 40cm -10c, 48cm-12c.
CT13 @38cmQ2, CT16 to ground. Localized whumpfing.

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