Recent Avalanches? | No |
Collapsing (Whumphing)? | Yes |
Cracking (Shooting cracks)? | No |
1. Tincan below CFR ridge up to 2300
2. Tincan up to 1640′ on southern ridge
3. Corn Biscuit to 2000 along Bertha Creek
Recent Avalanches? | No |
Collapsing (Whumphing)? | Yes |
Cracking (Shooting cracks)? | No |
1. Yes: loose snow avalanche on Seattle Ridge @ 2500'
2. Collapse felt/heard on low elevation southerly on Tincan.
3. No
-6/-7, precip light to none (-1 to nil), cloudy then clearing at base
1/2. 16cm fresh light snow
3. 25cm of fresh light snow
1. Tincan - Pit 1 at 2150', S, slope angle 20, buried surface hoar 85cm; HS 150-200+cm; CT18/26 SC; ECTX x6; PST no result
Pit 2 at 2300', 3/6 pits no buried surface hoar; N aspect, HS 150-240+, CT11/21 SC at 80cm, ECTP27 SC x1; ECTX x5. Bottom of pit 40cm greater than 3mm hoar.
2. Tincan - Pit 1 @ 1600', S aspect HS 165', CT21-24 @ 80cm at melt-freeze crust; ECT22 Q2 at a melt-freeze crust @ 65-80cm;
Pit 2 @1720, HS 220, CT11 RP @ 25cm, ECTX x6.
3. Corn Biscuit -Pit 1 at 1600', NW aspect, HS 150, k25, CT11@60cm, ECTP13@60cm, on buried surface hoar
Pit 2 at 1600, S aspect, k23, HS 150, CT29 @90cm, and 1 CT17 @ 25cm down on crust; ECTX x6; moist facets on ground, aprx 35cm thick