from PL 0.1 mi below Hatcher Pass Rd gate, followed road up towards Hatcher Pass, but cut south up $1000 Run to ele. 3944 ft. and 1.4 mi from PL.
Partly cloudy. Slight breeze from S.
Snow surface varied considerably, ranging from loose wind transported snow in bowls to supportable wind crust on ridge tops.
Did pit at el. 3517 on E. facing aspect and 24 deg slope. N61.76859, W149.29177. Total snowpack = 115cm. 115-70 = wind transported 4Fbroken particles. 70-30cm = mixed zone of m/f crust with interlayered rounding 4Ffacets. 30-15fcm pencil hard rounds. 15-0cm = 1F rounding facets. STMQ2@90cm. CT25Q3@70cm.